Okay, you have cut the cable cord. Now what? How do you find where to stream your favorite shows without opening Hulu, Amazon Prime, or some other streaming service? Or you’re about to cut the cable cord, but want to be sure the handful of services you already have will cover all your watching needs. The solution is JustWatch, which does the searching for you, discovering all the availability for shows and movies in one place.
Give JustWatch a Try
JustWatch is one of the leading options in streaming aggregators, or search engines, which help viewers find at a glance how to watch favorite TV shows and movies without a cable subscription. All the sources and options are legal, and range from free streaming to subscription sites to rental and purchase options like iTunes and Amazon.
JustWatch searches an extensive list of providers. You’ll find major streaming options like Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, YouTube, and Google Play. However, you will see services like CBS All Access, Tubi, Vudu, and others as well. In total JustWatch searches more than 70 apps and channels to find all the options for you. JustWatch updates its content daily so that it is always current on the latest titles available to stream.
JustWatch also has a decent filter system. You can search through just the services and channel apps you already use, or more specifically for programming by genre, year, price, and age rating. Once you find the title you’re looking for, you can see at a glance where you can stream it now, buy, or rent the title. The app allows filtering by best price or definition quality (including 4K).
JustWatch Features
Search results give you a variety of other details about shows, including the JustWatch and IMDB ratings, trailers, and cast listings linked to other programs that include those actors. Furthermore, you can create a watch list, adding things you want to see, so it’s quick to check when your favorite programs are available. JustWatch also has a cinema option, allowing you to check out the latest movies to find local showtimes of movies. It provides theater locations, trailers, ratings, reviews, and more.
The New page shows all the latest releases on streaming services by day. You can also sort by the provider. This way, you can find new shows and movies available on Netflix, Hulu, or any of the other provider.
Overall the site is easy to navigate and informative, and one of the better options for streaming search engines, most easily comparable to the dominant player, ReelGood. While ReelGood searches through a lot more providers (mainly more cable channels,) it is a more complicated search process.
JustWatch puts all the search results right on the results page. Alternatively, ReelGood suggests the primary streaming option (Hulu or Netflix, for example.) Then, you have to click through into individual episodes within seasons to find options to buy or rent. Furthermore, RealGood doesn’t have as many cable alternative subscription sites, like FuboTV.
The primary issue with JustWatch is that some links are not always correct, primarily with content on Hulu. Ideally, the site links out directly to the show page of what you’re looking for on the service that you select. However, with many options, the Hulu link is redirected to the home page. From there, you have to search Hulu for the title.
The second technical issue the site is having with Hulu is not showing all the seasons available. For many shows, the site says only one season is available. However, once I get to Hulu, past seasons are also available.
On the plus-side, JustWatch has a “Something is Wrong? Let us know” link on almost every result. So, it’s easy to report issues. The site seems dedicated to getting things fixed and updated regularly, so these problems may not remain for long.
How to use JustWatch
JustWatch is free to use, with no registration or subscription required. The site does feature ads (mostly banners and sidebars,) but you can go ad-free. You simply need to set up a login with an email address or link to a Google or Facebook account.
Ultimately, the website is the most direct way to use JustWatch, and is very easy to navigate.
Beyond the website interface, JustWatch offers a mobile app for both Apple and Google, so you can search on the go. The app interface is very similar to the website and pretty straightforward, also linking out to the apps on your device if you have them set up and are ready to watch.
Like the main page, there are one or two kinks to be worked out. For example, in the setup process, you’re asked to select your providers, and the tap is slightly out of alignment. It’s a small and brief frustration but one that will probably be fixed in an update.