The series follows high schooler Courtney Whitmore (Brec Bassinger) aka Stargirl, who becomes the leader of an unlikely crew of young heroes. The team inherits the legacy of the Justice Society of America, the first DC superhero team, and takes on legendary DC comics adversaries. The series co-stars Luke Wilson as her stepfather Pag Dugan, as well as Anjelika Washington, Trae Romano, Amy Smart, Yvette Monreal, Cameron Gellman, and Meg DeLacy. This article will let you know how you can watch this season and past seasons of DC’s Stargirl.
While the show was cancelled in 2022, all three seasons of Stargirl are available on Max, with plans starting at $15.99 per month. There is no contract, so you can pay monthly and cancel at any time. Read our review of Max for more information on the streaming service.