The new six-part limited series adaptation of Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations follows the coming-of-age story of Pip (Fionn Whitehead). An orphan from a young age, Pip has always dreamed of a better lot in life but doesn’t realize what that may cost him. The eccentric and housebound Miss Havisham (Olivia Coleman) seems to take him under her wing, but her evil machinations make him the pawn of her personal revenge, all while dangling a better life in front of him. With great expectations placed upon him, Pip struggles to find the true path to being the kind of man he wishes to be in this dark and twisted critique of the class system in 1860s England. Read on for more on how to watch Great Expectations.
- When Does Great Expectations Premiere: Great Expectations premieres on Sunday, March 26.
- How Many Episodes: Great Expectations will have 6 episodes.
- Where to Watch Great Expectations: Great Expectations is available on FX on Hulu (free trial).
How To Watch Great Expectations
Great Expectations will be available on FX on Hulu beginning on Sunday, March 26.
For new subscribers, Hulu offers a free trial month and then has several different monthly plans to choose from, including:
- $7.99/month with limited commercials
- $17.99/month commercial free
- $76.99/month commercial-free + live TV of up to 50 channels, as well as on-demand feature
However, the free trial is no longer available on the Live TV option.
Hulu can be watched through online and apps for Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, Xbox, and mobile devices.
Interested in more information? Check out our recent review of Hulu, which does a deep dive into all the aspects of Hulu’s subscription options and the many add-on channels to increase usage.