Invasion is a science fiction drama from the producer of The Martian. It follows the story of an alien invasion of Earth as seen through the eyes of people across the different contents around the world. The series stars an international cast, including Sam Neill, Shamier Anderson, Golshifteh Farahani, Firas Nassar, Shiori Kutsuna, Tara Moayedi, and Daisuke Tsuji. Read on to learn how to watch Season 1 of Invasion.
- When to Watch Invasion: New episodes of Invasion premiere every Friday.
- How Many Episodes are in Season 2: Season 2 will have 10 episodes
- Where Can You Watch Invasion: Invasion is exclusively available on Apple TV+ (1-week-free-trial). Through the streaming service, you can watch new episodes of as they are made available every Friday.
Where You Can Watch Invasion
All episodes of Invasion will be exclusively available on the Apple TV+ streaming service. (Apple TV Plus shouldn’t be confused with the Apple TV streaming device.) The service costs $9.99 per month after a 7-day free trial; there is no long-term commitment, and you can cancel at any time. Don’t worry if you don’t have an Apple device, however. The Apple TV+ app is supported on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iPod Touch, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, VIZIO Smart TVs, Sony Smart TVs, and more. For more information on this streaming service, check out our review of Apple TV+.
About Invasion
Invasion is ascience fiction series that chronicles a global alien invasion in real-time from the perspectives of five people across the world. Earth’s very existence is threatened as they individually try to survive and make sense of the chaos around them. The cast includes Sam Neill (Jurassic Park, Peaky Blinders), Shamier Anderson (Race), Golshifteh Farahani (Gen: Lock), Firas Nassar (Fauda), Shiori Kutsuna (Deadpool 2), Tara Moayedi, and Daisuke Tsuji (Brockmire).