Limitless with Chris Hemsworth is an original 6-part documentary series from National Geographic and airing on Disney+ beginning November 16. The international movie star goes on a personal journey to explore how humanity can combat aging and the full potential of the human body. Shattering conventional wisdom, the show builds on scientific research and the latest technology to stretch what is possible. Read on for more on how to watch.
How To Watch Limitless with Chris Hemsworth
Limitless with Chris Hemsworth will be available on the Disney+ streaming service. The subscription costs $7.99. A subscription allows for unlimited downloads of content to up to 10 devices for viewing offline and the ability to stream on four different devices simultaneously.
Disney+ is available on mobile devices (iOS and Androids); desktop computers; PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles; Roku; Apple TV; smart TVs such as LG, Samsung, and Android TVs; and Chromebook, Chromecast, Apple AirPlay, and Amazon FireTV. Check out our review of Disney+ for more information.