The new crime thriller series Reacher premieres on Friday, February 4, on Prime Video. The series stars Alan Ritchson stars as Jack Reacher, a former major in the United States Army Military Police Corps who now travels the U.S. investigating suspicious and dangerous cases. Based on the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child, the first season consists of 8 episodes, making up the plot of the first book in the series, Killing Floor. In the first season, Reacher finds himself picked up for a murder he didn’t commit and must try to prove his innocence. Read on for more on how to watch Reacher without cable.
How to Watch Reacher
Reacher is an Amazon Studios production and airs exclusively on Prime Video. Suppose you aren’t a subscriber. Don’t worry. Just sign up for a free trial to Amazon Prime, and you can try out Reacher for free!
The service costs $12.99 per month after the free trial, but you won’t be charged if you cancel before the trial expires. While a subscription to Amazon Prime provides access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime video, there are also a ton of other benefits like free shipping on prime eligible purchases on Amazon. You can learn more about the other benefits of Prime in our review of Amazon Prime.
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