The new Sylvester Stallone-led superhero movie, Samaritan, premieres on Friday, August 26, on Prime Video. When 12-year-old Sam Cleary (Javon “Wanna” Walton) becomes convinced his reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith (Stallone) is a long-missing superhero in hiding, he makes it his mission to coax him out of retirement. Twenty years ago, Samaritan, the city’s vigilante superhero, was believed to have perished in a firey warehouse battle. Now, with crime and chaos taking over Granite City, Sam and a small group of believers hope that Mr. Smith is the long-lost hero and that he can help save their city.
The script is by Bragi F. Schut, who also adapted it into the Mythos Comics graphic novels along with Marc Olivent and Renzo Podesta. Read on for more on how to watch Samaritan.
How to Watch Samaritan
Samaritan is being released exclusively to stream on Prime Video. Suppose you aren’t a subscriber to Prime Video. Don’t worry. Just sign up for a free trial to Amazon Prime, and you can watch Samaritan for free!
The service costs $14.99 per month after the free trial, but you won’t be charged if you cancel before the trial expires. While a subscription to Amazon Prime provides access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime video, there are also a ton of other benefits like free shipping on prime eligible purchases on Amazon. You can learn more about the other benefits of Prime in our review of Amazon Prime.
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