Shadow Detective is a Korean drama-thriller that was first available in the U.S. through Hulu. When season 2 is released, however, it will arrive on Disney+. The series stars Lee Sung Min as Kim Taek Rok, a veteran detective about to resign from his job, finding his career isolating and holding himself responsible for wrongs he can’t fix. However, after receiving a life-threatening call and being falsely accused of murder, he must find out who he can trust among his friends and colleagues in the quest to prove his innocence. Read on for more about watching Shadow Detective.
How To Watch Shadow Detective
Shadow Detective season 2 will be available on the Disney+ streaming service, which starts at $8.99 a month for its ad-supported plan and $10.99 for the ad-free plan. A subscription allows for unlimited downloads of content to up to 10 devices for viewing offline and the ability to stream on four different devices simultaneously.
Disney+ is available on mobile devices (iOS and Androids); desktop computers; PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles; Roku; Apple TV; smart TVs such as LG, Samsung, and Android TVs; and Chromebook, Chromecast, Apple AirPlay, and Amazon FireTV. Check out our review of Disney+ for more information.
How to Watch Season 1 of Shadow Detective
The first season of the Korean drama is available to stream on Hulu’s Streaming Library.
For new subscribers, Hulu offers a free trial month and then has several different monthly plans to choose from, including:
- $7.99/month with limited commercials
- $17.99/month commercial free
- $76.99/month commercial-free + live TV of up to 50 channels, as well as on-demand feature
However, the free trial is no longer available on the Live TV option.
Hulu can be watched through online and apps for Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, Xbox, and mobile devices.
Interested in more information? Check out our recent review of Hulu, which does a deep