Star Wars: Visions is an animated anthology series that brings together the work of seven Japanese anime studios, each presenting Star Wars stories in their own unique storytelling and animation styles. While the series is the first foray into anime for Star Wars, it comes as no surprise, with the original series often referencing Japanese mythology and filmmaking in its influences. Now entering its second season, this anthology tells new stories set within the familiar worlds of the franchise and includes both canon and new characters. It is available with both its original Japanese voice track, as well as English dubbing that includes a stellar cast including Lucy Liu, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Neil Patrick Harris, Alison Brie, Simu Liu, Jordan Fisher, George Takei, and more. .Seven Japanese animation studios bring their unique perspectives to the “Star Wars” universe through a series of short films. Read on for more about watching Star Wars: Visions.
How To Watch Star Wars: Visions
Star Wars: Visions will be available on the Disney+ streaming service, which starts at $8.99 a month for its ad-supported plan and $10.99 for the ad-free plan. A subscription allows for unlimited downloads of content to up to 10 devices for viewing offline and the ability to stream on four different devices simultaneously.
Disney+ is available on mobile devices (iOS and Androids); desktop computers; PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles; Roku; Apple TV; smart TVs such as LG, Samsung, and Android TVs; and Chromebook, Chromecast, Apple AirPlay, and Amazon FireTV. Check out our review of Disney+ for more information.