The new eight-episode anthology series The Boys Presents: Diabolical premieres on Friday, March 4, on Prime Video. These animated shorts are set in the universe of the hit (if gruesome) Prime Video superhero series The Boys and explore unseen stories adjacent to the characters and events in the live-action series. Much like Marvel’s What If, The Boys Presents: Diabolical will present each 12-14 minute episode in different animation styles and with various writers and brought to life by the brilliant and twisted minds Awkwafina, Garth Ennis, Eliot Glazer and Ilana Glazer, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, Simon Racioppa, Justin Roiland and Ben Bayouth, Andy Samberg, and Aisha Tyler. Read on for more on how to watch The Boys Presents: Diabolical without cable.
How to Watch The Boys Presents: Diabolical
The Boys Presents: Diabolical is an Amazon Original production and exclusively airs Prime Video. Suppose you aren’t a subscriber. Don’t worry. Just sign up for a free trial to Amazon Prime, and you can try out The Boys Presents: Diabolical for free!
The service costs $12.99 per month after the free trial, but you won’t be charged if you cancel before the trial expires. While a subscription to Amazon Prime provides access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime video, there are also a ton of other benefits like free shipping on prime eligible purchases on Amazon. You can learn more about the additional benefits of Prime in our review of Amazon Prime.
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