The popular CW show The Flash ran for season 9 from 2014 – 2023. The superhero action show is part of The CW’s collection of DC comics series, known collectively as the Arrowverse, and totalled 184 episodes. The series centers on Barry Allen, known as The Flash, a crime scene investigator with super-human speed, which he uses to fight criminals. You can watch every episode of The Flash on Netflix
Watch The Flash on Netflix
If you want to watch The Flash, you can find every episode from every season on Netflix. Netflix offers the following plan options.
- Premium – $22.99 per month – 4K HDR – allows four simultaneous viewings
- Standard – $15.49 per month – HD – allows two simultaneous viewings
- Standard with ads – $6.99 – HD – allows 2 streams at a time, but you have to watch ads
Netflix supports most streaming devices. Check their support page for more information. Also, check out our review of Netflix for more information on the service.