The latest entry into the popular computer-animated Ice Age movie franchise, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, arrives on the Disney+ streaming service on Friday, January 28. Wackiness ensues when the thrill-seeking possums Crash and Eddie set out on their own and end up trapped in an underground cave in the Lost World, home of the dinosaurs. They are rescued by Buck Wild, the scrappy, one-eyed, swash-buckling, dinosaur-hunting weasel, and the three face a new adventure, unwitting the unruly dinosaurs themselves. Read on for more on how to watch The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild.
How to watch The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild airs on the Disney+ streaming service. The subscription costs $7.99 a month or $79.99 a year. A subscription allows for unlimited downloads of content to up to 10 devices for viewing offline and the ability to stream on four different devices simultaneously.
Disney+ is available on mobile devices (iOS and Androids); desktop computers; PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles; Roku; Apple TV; smart TVs such as LG, Samsung, and Android TVs; and Chromebook, Chromecast, Apple AirPlay, and Amazon FireTV. Check out our review of Disney+ for more information.
How to Watch Previous Ice Age Movies
Disney+ also has all the other Ice Age movies available, including Ice Age, Ice Age: The Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Ice Age: Continental Drift, and Ice Age: Collision Course, as well as several seasonal shorts.