Emergency, a new satirical thriller, comes to Prime Video on Friday, May 27. Two Black college students embark on an epic party night, but their plans are stalled by the discovery of an unconscious white girl in a friend’s room. Mixing the classic all-night college comedy with socially relevant issues, the show follows both a hilarious and terrifying path as the young men decide how to help the girl without putting themselves into very real danger and speculation–because this is not what it looks like. Read on for more on how to watch Emergency without cable.
How to Watch Emergency
Emergency is a Prime Video exclusive and streams on Amazon’s Prime Video platform. Suppose you aren’t a subscriber to Prime Video. Don’t worry. Just sign up for a free trial to Amazon Prime, and you can try out Emergency for free!
The service costs $14.99 per month after the free trial, but you won’t be charged if you cancel before the trial expires. While a subscription to Amazon Prime provides access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime video, there are also a ton of other benefits like free shipping on prime eligible purchases on Amazon. You can learn more about the other benefits of Prime in our review of Amazon Prime.
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