The comedy Dave is based on the life of rapper and comedian Dave Burd, known as Lil Dicky on stage. Dave centers on a man in his late-20s who, despite his neurotic tendencies, has convinced himself he will become on of the greatest rappers of all time. If only he can convince his friends to help him on his quest to become a superstar. Going into the third season, Dave is heading his first tour with his crew by his side, while also on the search for love. Read on for more on how to watch Dave.
- When Does Dave Premiere: Dave season 3 premieres on Wednesday, April 5.
- When to Watch: New episodes of Dave air on Wednesday.
- Where to Watch Dave: Dave is available on FX on Hulu (free trial).
How To Watch Dave
Dave season 3 will be available on FX on Hulu beginning on Wednesday, April 5.
For new subscribers, Hulu offers a free trial month and then has several different monthly plans to choose from, including:
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Hulu can be watched through online and apps for Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, Xbox, and mobile devices.
Interested in more information? Check out our recent review of Hulu, which does a deep dive into all the aspects of Hulu’s subscription options and the many add-on channels to increase usage.