In the new magical and mission-driven family series Jane, the titular Jane is a 9-year-old budding environmentalist who goes on a quest to save endangered species. Jane, her best friend David, and Greybeard the chimpanzee go on amazing adventures through her imagination to learn about how to protect wild animals around the world. The trio is transported to far-off locations, and sometimes the animals follow them back into their city life! Inspired by her namesake, Dr. Jane Goodall, Jane follows the motto, “Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help, can they be saved.”
The show is aimed at kids and their families and follows the inspirational work of Dr. Goodall. It was created by Emmy Award-winner J.J. Johnson along with Sinking Ship Entertainment and the Jane Goodall Institute. Read on to learn more about how to watch Jane.
- When Does Jane Premiere: Jane premieres on Friday, April 14.
- How Many Episodes: There will be 10 episodes in the first season of Jane.
- Where Can You Watch Jane: Jane is exclusively available on Apple TV+ (1-week-free-trial).
How to Watch Jane
Jane is exclusive to the Apple TV+ streaming service. (Apple TV Plus shouldn’t be confused with the Apple TV streaming device.) The service costs $9.99 per month after a 7-day free trial. There is no long-term commitment, and you can cancel at any time. You may be worried if you don’t have an Apple device, but fear not. The Apple TV+ app is supported on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iPod Touch, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, VIZIO Smart TVs, Sony Smart TVs, and more. For more information on this streaming service, check out our review of Apple TV+.