Roar, a new anthology series by the creators of GLOW, premieres on Friday, April 15, on Apple TV+. Each story in the series focuses on women’s life experiences and how they navigate through both their own and each other’s expectations. These darkly comic feminist tales star Issa Rae, Nicole Kidman, and Cynthia Ervio, as well as Alison Brie, Judy Davis, Betty Gilpin, Meera Syal, and more. Read on to learn more about how to watch.
- When Does Roar Premiere: Roar premieres on Friday, April 15.
- How Many Episodes: Roar will have 8 episodes in its first season.
- Where Can You Watch Roar: Roar is exclusively available on Apple TV+ (1-week-free-trial).
Where You Can Watch Roar
Roar is an original series on the Apple TV+ streaming service. (Apple TV Plus shouldn’t be confused with the Apple TV streaming device.) The service costs $9.99 per month after a 7-day free trial. There is no long-term commitment, and you can cancel at any time. You may be worried if you don’t have an Apple device, but fear not. The Apple TV+ app is supported on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iPod Touch, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, VIZIO Smart TVs, Sony Smart TVs, and more. For more information on this streaming service, check out our review of Apple TV+.