The new reality comedy show, True Story with Ed & Randall, premieres on Peacock TV on Thursday, January 20. A combination of scripted and unscripted material, True Story with Ed & Randall highlights everyday Americans sharing their most surprising and heartwarming true stories. Ed Helms (The Office) and Randall Park (WandaVision) meet everyday people who tell their amazing true stories, simultaneously recreated by a cast of notable guest actors and comedians, creating epic biopics for ordinary people. (Think Drunk History with less booze, more heart, and everyday people.) Read on to find out how to stream True Story with Ed & Randall without cable.
Where to stream True Story with Ed & Randall
True Story with Ed & Randall is a Peacock Original series and streams exclusively on Peacock. Peacock is the over-the-top streaming service from NBCUniversal, with video-on-demand and some live events. In addition to TV shows and movies from the NBC and Universal libraries, plenty of third-party content is available from Lionsgate, Starz, Warner Bros, A&E Networks, ViacomCBS, Paramount, Cinedigm, and more.
Peacock has free, premium, and ad-free options. If you want to watch on the free tier of Peacock, you will have to wait eight days after network shows air on NBC. However, most Peacock originals like True Story with Ed & Randall are on the premium tier, which is $5.99 per month and will let you watch new episodes one day after they air. Peacock also has a premium ad-free subscription for $11.99 per month. Not only will this subscription eliminate ads, but also provide a live stream of your local NBC station..
Peacock supports iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, Xbox One S and Xbox One X, Android devices, Android TV, Chromecast, and Chromecast built-in. New episodes of the latest season become available within eight days of the shows airing on NBC. You can learn more in our review of Peacock. You can sign up for Peacock on their website.