Wu-Tang: An American Saga is a drama series that follows a fictionalized account of the formation and rise of the popular Wu-Tang Clan band. Set in 1990s New York, the show follows the vision of Bobby Diggs, aka The RZA, as he strives to form the band and help a group of young black men who might otherwise fall into the crack cocaine epidemic. The show returns this week for its third and final season, on Hulu. Read on for more on how to watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga.
- When Does Wu-Tang: An American Saga Return: Wu-Tang: An American Saga season 3 premieres on Wednesday, February 15.
- When Do New Episodes Drop: New episodes of Wu-Tang: An American Saga will be available on Wednesdays.
- Where to Watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Wu-Tang: An American Saga is available on Hulu (free trial).
How To Watch Wu-Tang: An American Saga
Wu-Tang: An American Saga is available on Hulu, with new episodes on Wednesdays, starting Wednesday, February 15.
For new subscribers, Hulu offers a free trial month and then has several different monthly plans to choose from, including:
- $7.99/month with limited commercials
- $17.99/month commercial free
- $76.99/month commercial-free + live TV of up to 50 channels, as well as an on-demand feature
However, the free trial is no longer available on the Live TV option.
Hulu can be watched through Hulu.com online and apps for Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, Xbox, and mobile devices.
Interested in more information? Check out our recent review of Hulu, which does a deep dive into all the aspects of Hulu’s subscription options and the many add-on channels to increase usage.