The Belko Experiment is a thriller/suspense film from 2016, produced by Peter Safran and James Gunn, starring John Gallagher Jr., Tony Goldwyn, John C. McGinley, Adria Arjona, David Dastmalchian, and Michael Rooker. The film combines The Purge, The Hunger Games, Office Space with a dash of Saw. Without spoiling anything, the plot revolves around a seemingly normal office of 80 employees when one day, a voice comes over the PA system and announces that if two employees aren’t killed, there will be repercussions. The office then goes into lockdown, trapping all 80 employees inside the building, and friends quickly become enemies as they don’t know who to trust or which one of their colleagues will murder them in cold blood.
Where To Watch The Belko Experiment: Don’t waste your money renting The Belko Experiment from Amazon. You can watch the movie for free on Pluto TV.
Watch The Belko Experiment on Pluto TV
The Belko Experiment is currently available to watch free on Pluto TV. Pluto TV’s supported devices are Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android and IOS devices, Android TV, Samsung, and Sony. You don’t even need to register to watch. However, if you register, you will have the ability to manage a watchlist and pick up movies where you left off in a TV series or film. The move is available in 720p HD, but there is one downside. There are 15 minutes of commercials peppered throughout the film that you can not fast forward through. The commercial breaks are somewhat abrupt and don’t always occur at the best time, but at least it won’t cost you any money to watch.
You can watch the movie on Pluto TV at this link: The Belko Experiment.
Other Options To Watch The Belko Experiment
If you are annoyed by the commercial breaks, you can also rent or purchase the film at the following sources: