Hard Cell, a new workplace mockumentary series, comes to Netflix on Tuesday, April 12. Comedian Catherine Tate created the series, in which she takes on at least six different characters in this dry comedy. Among them is Laura Willis, an events planner-turned-women’s prison governor who documents for the cameras the challenges of managing a life behind bars. Read on to learn how to watch Hard Cell.
Watching Hard Cell
Hard Cell is a Netflix Original and will stream exclusively on Netflix. You can watch it by subscribing to Netflix via one of the following plan options:
Also, check out our review of Netflix for more information on the service.
How to Stream Hard Cell
You can subscribe to any of the plans above and watch Hard Cell on Netflix through the Netflix Website with your web browser. You can also sign up and watch Netflix by downloading the Netflix App to any of the following supported devices:
If you don’t have any of the devices above and are watching on your browser, you can connect your laptop to the TV to watch Netflix.