The live-action adaptation of the beloved anime space Western Cowboy Bebop arrives on Netflix on Friday, November 19. It stars John Cho as Spike Spiegel, part of a trio of ragtag bounty hunters searching the solar system for odd jobs and a chance to make some big cash. These space cowboys, Jet Black (Mustafa Shakir), Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda), and Spike, are full of style, if not dough, and they make up a deadly trio to anyone who runs afoul of them. But they are haunted by past troubles that may be about to catch up with them. Read on to learn how to stream Cowboy Bebop.
Watching Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is exclusive to Netflix, and you can watch it by subscribing to Netflix via one of the following plan options:
- Premium – $22.99 per month – 4K HDR – allows four simultaneous viewings
- Standard – $15.49 per month – HD – allows two simultaneous viewings
- Standard with ads – $6.99 – HD – allows 2 streams at a time, but you have to watch ads
Also, check out our review of Netflix for more information on the service.
How to Stream Cowboy Bebop
You can subscribe to any of the plans above and watch Cowboy Bebop on Netflix through the Netflix Website with your web browser. You can also sign up and watch Netflix by downloading the Netflix App to any of the following supported devices:
- Roku
- Fire TV
- Nvidia Shield
- Apple TV
- Chromecast
- Android Devices
- iOS Devices
- Windows Phones
- many more Smart TV’s, Game Consoles, and other devices
If you don’t have any of the devices above and are watching on your browser, you can connect your laptop to the TV to watch Netflix.
More About Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is perhaps one of the best-known and loved animes of the late 1990s. The tight, 26 episode series was one of the first to jump to mainstream popularity with Western audiences and the first anime to be broadcast on Adult Swim. The story of Spike, Jet, and Faye–three bounty hunters on the run from their pasts and trawling through space looking for a good payoff–is action-packed and full of style. The new live-action remake has some promise and, despite some early mixed reviews, is likely to be checked out by most fans of the original. The strong cast, crisp visuals, and editing reminiscent of the original anime and the Westerns that inspired it could make for a fun ride. The cast also stars Alex Hassell and Elena Satine, and features the original anime series director Shinichirō Watanabe as a consultant and original composer Yoko Kanno contributing the music.