Black Gold, a new documentary series produced by Darren Aronofsky, premieres on Tuesday, May 17, on Paramount+, following its theatrical release on May 11. The thrilling three-part series explores a global conspiracy 40 years in the making in order to cover up the impact of oil on the climate. Top bosses of the trillion dollar oil industry conspired to keep the money flowing to the top, even creating a black ops campaign to hide the evidence and working with professional climate deniers, despite reports from whistleblowers. Read on to learn how you can watch Black Gold without cable.
- When Does Black Gold Premiere: Black Gold premieres on Tuesday, May 17.
- Where to Watch: Black Gold is on Paramount+
Where to Stream new Episodes of Black Gold
Black Gold is exclusively available on Paramount+. Paramount+ offers a 7-day free trial so that you can try the service with no risk. However, there are two plan options to choose from:
Paramount+ Premium: In addition to original programming like The Challenge: All-Stars, Paramount+ Premium provides live streaming access to your local CBS station so you can broadcast series as they air. This plan also offers on-demand ad-free access to Paramount+ content. After the 7-day free trial, the service price starts at $11.99.
Paramount+ Essential: This plan provides original content, plus ad-supported on-demand episodes of new shows the day they air on CBS for $5.99 per month after a 7-day free trial. This plan doesn’t include live CBS, so you will have to wait a day for new episodes.
Paramount+ is available on Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick. See our review of Paramount+ for more information on this streaming service.
Paramount Plus Device Support
Watch Paramount Plus by downloading the Paramount+ app to Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick, and you watch right on your television. You can also stream on the go by downloading the paramount+ app to your iOS or Android Mobile device. The Paramount+ app is also available on Samsung, LG, and Vizio smart TVs.