Chainsaw Man is an anime based on a manga of the same name. The story follows Denji, a teenage boy living with a Chainsaw Devil, that resembles a dog, named Pochita. Denji lives a downtrodden lifestyle due to being forced to repay his deceased father’s debt to that yakuza by hunting down “devils” that live among us. Ultimately, a job goes bad and Denji is merged with Pochita’s power and becomes Chainsaw Man.
- Where To Watch Chainsaw Man: New episodes of Chainsaw Man are available on Hulu (Try a 30-day free trial) in Japanese with English Subtitles. You can also watch past episodes through Hulu. Crunchyroll also has subbed and dubbed episodes available. It looks like it takes about 2-3 weeks for new episodes to be dubbed, but subbed episodes are available every Tuesday.
How to Watch Chainsaw Man
You can watch every episode of Chainsaw Man on Hulu and Crunchyroll. Read on to learn more about watching Chainsaw Man on these services.
Hulu Has Every Episode of Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man is available on Hulu’s streaming library, starting at $7.99/month (Try a 30-day free trial). All episodes of “Chainsaw Man” are available on-demand through Hulu, with new subtitled episodes released every Saturday. Here are some other perks you can take advantage of when subscribing to Hulu
- Watch Hulu Originals like The Handmaid’s Tale, Shrill, and The Act.
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Just about every streaming device supports Hulu. Check out our review of Hulu’s Streaming Library for more information.
Crunchyroll Has Every Episode Free
Crunchyroll also offers all episodes of “Chainsaw Man.” All episodes of “Chainsaw Man” are available on the website. You have to watch in standard definition, and there are ads, but watching older episodes is free. Upgrading to a premium subscription will let you watch episodes when they are released with no ads, and you can watch in HD. The premium subscription costs $7.99/month after the 14-day free trial.
On this service, “Chainsaw Man” is available subbed (with subtitles) and dubbed, but new episodes are only released in Japanese with English subtitles. The English dubbed episodes seemed to have a speedy turnaround and were released within three weeks of the initial episode release. You can watch episodes subbed for free, but only the first few dubbed episodes are free. To see all subbed episodes, you will need a premium subscription. Check out our review of Crunchyroll for more information on this streaming service.