Clifford the Big Red Dog, a new family feature film based on the beloved children’s books, debuts in theaters and on Paramount+ on Wednesday, November 10. The live-action (plus CGI giant dog) film takes middle schooler Emily Elizabeth Howard on a big adventure when her tiny red puppy becomes gigantic overnight. Read on to learn more about how to watch Clifford the Big Red Dog.
- When Does Clifford the Big Red Dog Premiere: Wednesday, November 10
- Where to Watch: The movie releases on Paramount+ (Free Trial) the same day it arrives in theaters
Where to Stream Clifford the Big Red Dog
Clifford the Big Red Dog is streaming exclusively on Paramount+ upon its release. Parmount+ offers a 7-day free trial so that you can try the service with no risk. However, there are two plan options to choose from:
Paramount+ Premium: Provides live streaming access to your local CBS station (with commercials), as well as on-demand ad-free access to extended Paramount+ content, originals, and more. After the 7-day free trial, the service price starts at $11.99.
Paramount+ Essential: This plan provides ad-supported on-demand episodes of many shows the day after they air on CBS for $5.99 per month after a 7-day free trial. This plan doesn’t include live CBS, so you will have to wait a day for new episodes.
Paramount+ is available on Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick. See our review of Paramount+ for more information on this streaming service.
Paramount Plus Device Support
Watch Paramount Plus by downloading the Paramount+ app to Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick, and you watch right on your television. You can also stream on the go by downloading the paramount+ app to your iOS or Android Mobile device. The Paramount+ app is also available on Samsung, LG, and Vizio smart TVs.
About Clifford the Big Red Dog
Middle schooler Emily Elizabeth Howard (Darby Camp, Big Little Lies) is having a hard time fitting in. However, when she discovers a small red puppy–who becomes a giant dog overnight–she finds comfort in her new big red friend. While taking inspiration from the original storybooks, Clifford the Big Red Dog leans into the magic of the story, as well as into the Hollywoodization of it. From a magical animal rescuer (John Cleese) to the greedy owner of a genetics firm (Tony Hale) seeking to experiment on the dog, the film adds more drama to the simple tales. However, the focus is still big adventure and big heart, and the unconditional love between Clifford and Emily Elizabeth. Clifford will teach the world how to love big. (Originally slated for a September theatrical release, Paramount moved the film back and added a streaming release due to COVID’s Delta variant.)