The new documentary, Icahn: the Restless Billionaire premieres on Tuesday, February 15, on Max. The film explores the contradictory life and career of financier Carl Icahn, from his own words to interviews with friends, family members, journalists, and other titans of industry. From his early roots to the business savvy that has driven him to the top of America’s corporate hierarchy, director Bruce David Klein looks at one of the most fierce dealmakers and strategists in investments and corporate takeovers. Read on to learn how to watch Icahn: the Restless Billionaire without cable.
Where To Watch Icahn: the Restless Billionaire
Icahn: the Restless Billionaire airs exclusively on Max. A subscription to HBO-Max costs $15.99 per month for their ad-free plan and $9.99 per month for their ad-supported service (meaning a few commercials with every episode). You can sign up here. Max is supported on Android, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast, Playstation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. You can check out my review of Max for more details on this streaming service.
Max doesn’t only air HBO, but content from WarnerMedia and other sources. Content on Max includes: