The spinoff to the popular TLC series Breaking Amish, Return to Amish follows some of its predecessors’ young cast as they reintegrate into their traditional religious communities. Following periods of exploration and freedom in the modern world, members and ex-members of the Mennonite and Amish communities become reacquainted with traditions and explore the next life-changing steps, including marriage and pregnancy.
Return to Amish may air on TLC, but you don’t need cable to watch. Depending on if you want to watch new episodes when they air or catch up on past seasons on demand, several streaming services offer access to TLC and Return to Amish without cable.
The most affordable service to watch Return to Amish on TLC with is Max. Formerly HBO Max, the Time Warner streaming service will show new episodes as they are released on TLC, and also carries all past seasons on demand, all for just $9.99/month.
After Max, the next most affordable option is Philo, which has a 7-day free trial and starts at just $25 per month. You can also use your Philo login credentials on the TLC website to watch past episodes of the current season on demand.
Other streaming options that carry TLC live and on-demand include Hulu Live TV, Sling TV, DIRECTV STREAM, YouTube TV, and Fubo TV. You can read more below on all of these options.
If you want to catch up on past seasons of Return to Amish, check out Discovery+, which carries all previous seasons on demand, although it does not have new episodes live.
- Network: Return to Amish airs on TLC.
- Best Way to Watch Return to Amish: Max now has every episode of Return to Amish and lets you watch new episodes as soon as they are released on TLC. Max starts at $9.99/month.
How to Watch Return to Amish Without Cable
Return to Amish is available on-demand with a TV provider with TLC in their channel lineup. However, you don’t need cable to watch Return to Amish; any of the following streaming services will have every episode available on-demand: Max, Philo, Hulu Live TV, Sling TV, DIRECTV STREAM, YouTube TV, and Fubo TV.
Max now streams TLC shows as soon as they air, so you can watch new episodes of Return to Amish on Max at the same time they air on TLC. Max also has episodes from all past seasons of Return to Amish, making it the recommended streaming choice for fans of the show at just $15.99 per month for the ad-free plan and $9.99 per month for the ad-supported service. You can sign up here for either plan. Max is supported on Android, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast, Playstation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. You can check out our review of Max for more details on this streaming service.
Philo is the next most affordable option to watch Return to Amish live when it airs. For just $25 per month, Philo gives you live access to TLC live and on-demand. Philo also allows you to record shows and watch them up to a month later with their cloud DVR. If you want to watch the Return to Amish now, check out Philo’s free trial or see our full review of Philo for more information.
Hulu Live TV
Hulu with Live TV also carries TLC, so you can watch Return to Amish live last it airs. Hulu Live TV will provide On-Demand access to past episodes as well. Hulu is supported by just about every streaming device you can buy, including Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and more. See our full review of Hulu for more details on their service, or sign up here.
FuboTV is a streaming service that provides access to several pay-TV channels, including TLC, so you can watch the latest season of Return to Amish and any episodes the network makes available on-demand. FuboTV is an excellent place to go for sports, but it offers many other more general channels as well, with over 90 channels offered in its Pro Plan for $74.99. You can sign up for fuboTV or check out our review of FuboTV for more details.
Sling TV
Sling TV’s Blue package provides TLC and over 40 other channels for $40/month. With its live stream of TLC, you can watch new episodes of Return to Amish, but it also has older episodes available on-demand. A cloud DVR is included to record shows for later. There are many more channels available on Sling TV, you can read more about them in our detailed review of Sling TV.
YouTube TV
YouTube TV also offers TLC so you can watch Return to Amish live and on demand. YouTube TV includes a DVR, as well as limitless storage space for recording your shows, which can be streamed anywhere. YouTube TV costs $72.99, and supports Android, iOS, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and more. Check our review of YouTube TV to see if it’s available in your area.
DIRECTV STREAM is also a good way to watch Return to Amish. Channel packages with TLC start at $79.99 per month, although they usually have special online offers, and include a cloud-based DVR. You can check out our DIRECTV STREAM review for more information.
If you just want to catch up on past seasons of Return to Amish, Discovery+ is the best choice. The service carries all past seasons (just not new episodes) and costs just $4.99 per month for an ad-supported plan and $6.99 per month for an ad-free experience. Both Plans offer a 7-day free trial. You can learn more about the service in our review of Discovery+.