A continuation of the MTV series Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf: The Movie premieres on Paramount+ on Thursday, January 26. The new film features much of the original cast from the MTV series returns for the film, which finds a terrifying new evil emerging in Beacon Hills, and all the shapeshifters of the night are returning to unite against the deadliest enemy they have ever faced. While the film premieres the same day as Paramount’s new werewolf series Wolf Pack, also created by Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis, the two are actually unrelated. Read on to learn more about how to watch Teen Wolf: The Movie.
- When Does it Return: Teen Wolf: The Movie premieres on Thursday, January 26.
- When to Watch: New episodes of Teen Wolf: The Movie premiere on Thursdays.
- Where Watch: Teen Wolf: The Movie is on Paramount+ (Free Trial)
Stream Teen Wolf: The Movie
Teen Wolf: The Movie premieres on Thursday, January 26, on Paramount+.
Paramount+ offers a 7-day free trial so that you can try the service with no risk. However, there are two plan options to choose from:
Paramount+ Premium: Provides on-demand ad-free access to Paramount+ original content, including this season of Teen Wolf: The Movie, as well as live streaming access to your local CBS station, although any live CBS shows will still have commercials. After the 7-day free trial, the service price starts at $11.99.
Paramount+ Essential: This plan provides Paramount+ original content and ad-supported on-demand episodes of shows airing on CBS the next day for $5.99 per month after a 7-day free trial.
Paramount+ is available on Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick. See our review of Paramount+ for more information on this streaming service.
Watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Roku
To watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Roku, follow these instructions.
- Subscribe to Paramount+ using this Free Trial. Paramount+ will let you watch Teen Wolf: The Movie
- On your Roku Menu, navigate to “Search” and press “OK” on your remote
- Enter “Paramount+” in the search bar
- Select the streaming service and press “OK.”
- Select “Add Channel” press “OK” on your remote. If Paramount+ is already installed, “Go To Channel” will be an option.
- Paramount+ is now installed on your Roku. Open Paramount+, and log in with the credentials you used to subscribe to the service. Search for “Teen Wolf: The Movie” and select the show.
Watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Fire TV
To watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Fire TV, follow these instructions.
- Subscribe to a Paramount+ using this Free Trial. Paramount+ will let you watch Teen Wolf: The Movie
- On your Fire TV Home screen, click on the search icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
- Enter “Paramount+” in the search bar
- Select the streaming service and press “OK.”
- Select “Download,” and Paramount+ will install
- Paramount+ is now installed on your Fire TV. Open the app, and log in with the credentials you used to subscribe to the service. Search for “Teen Wolf: The Movie” and select the show.
Watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Apple TV
To watch Teen Wolf: The Movie on Apple TV, follow these instructions.
- Subscribe to a Paramount+ using this Free Trial. Paramount+ will let you watch Teen Wolf: The Movie
- Scroll right to the search icon in the upper-left corner of the screen
- Enter “Paramount+” in the search bar
- Select Paramount+, click the cloud icon, and the app will install
- Paramount+ is now installed on your Apple TV. Open the app, and log in with the credentials you used to subscribe to the service.