The popular crime drama Animal Kingdom returns to TNT with its sixth and final season on Sunday, June 19, at 9:00 p.m. ET. Based on an Australian series of the same name, it follows the life of Joshua “J” Cody (Finn Cole), a 17-year-old who moves in with his estranged relatives after the death of his mother. The Codys are a criminal family enterprise, and J soon finds himself wrapped up in their complex operation. Read on for more on how to watch Animal Kingdom without cable.
- When Animal Kingdom airs: Animal Kingdom airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. ET
- TV Network: Animal Kingdom airs on TNT.
- Best Way to New Episodes: You can watch new episodes of Animal Kingdom on TNT with DIRECTV STREAM. The service provides a 5-Day free trial when signing up. YouTube TV(Free Trial) also carries TNT live.
- Previous Seasons On-Demand: Available on Prime Video (free trial)
How To Watch Animal Kingdom Season 6
Even though Animal Kingdom airs on TNT, you don’t need cable to watch new episodes. You can still watch Animal Kingdom episodes as they air and are on-demand using streaming services that carry TNT. All you need is a streaming device like a Roku or Amazon Fire TV and one of the streaming services below.
DIRECTV STREAM – Offers 60+ channels, including TNT. There is a promo page; see our review of DIRECTV STREAM for more details.
Hulu Live TV – Offers TNT, local channels, and many other features. Check here to sign up or check out our guide to Hulu for more information on the service.
Sling TV – Live TNT is a part of both their “Blue” and “Orange” package. You can try it free for 7-days. For information on device support and features, see our guide to Sling TV.
YouTube TV – You can watch TNT on YouTube TV, which you can also read about in our coverage of YouTube TV.
FuboTV – FuboTV offers over 90 channels $74.99. You can sign up for fuboTV or check out our review of FuboTV for more details.
Watch Past Seasons of Animal Kingdom
If you missed out on seasons 1 through 5 of Animal Kingdom, you can watch every episode of the first season on Prime Video. Just sign up for a free trial to Amazon Prime, and you can try out Animal Kingdom for free!
The service costs $14.99 per month after the free trial, but you won’t be charged if you cancel before the trial expires. While a subscription to Amazon Prime provides access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime video, there are also a ton of other benefits like free shipping on prime eligible purchases on Amazon. You can learn more about the other benefits of Prime in our review of Amazon Prime.
Amazon Prime video is supported on the following devices: