In a new thriller from BBC One, Jamie Dornan stars as a man who wakes up in an Australian hospital with amnesia and dangerous people searching for him. The Tourist, a limited series originally released in January in the U.K. and Australia, premieres for U.S. audiences on Thursday, March 3, only on Max. Dornan’s character must frantically piece together the few clues he has after a trucker runs him off the road in the Australian outback in hopes of remembering who he is and why someone wants him dead. Everyone seems to know something in the small town where he finds himself, but not everyone can be trusted in this action-packed thriller. Read on to learn how to watch The Tourist without cable.
Where To Watch The Tourist
The Tourist airs exclusively on Max. A subscription to HBO-Max costs $15.99 per month for their ad-free plan and $9.99 per month for their ad-supported service (meaning a few commercials with every episode). You can sign up here. Max is supported on Android, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast, Playstation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. You can check out my review of Max for more details on this streaming service.
Max doesn’t only air HBO, but content from WarnerMedia and other sources. Content on Max includes: