The Game, the new sequel drama series to the 2006 show about the relationships of professional football players, returns for season 2 on Paramount+ on Thursday, December 15. A mix of new players and original cast offer a modern-day examination of Black culture through the prism of pro football, dealing with racism, sexism, classism and more as they fight for fame, fortune, and love. Read on to learn more about how to watch new episodes of The Game without cable.
- When Does The Game Air: New episodes of The Game air on Thursdays.
- How Many Episodes Will Be in Season 10 of The Game: 10 episodes will be in the new season, arriving weekly on Thursdays.
- Where to Watch: Paramount+
- Best Way to Watch: Paramount+ (Free Trial)
- Where to Stream Past Seasons of The Game: Paramount+
Where to Stream New Episodes of The Game
The Game season 11 is exclusively on Paramount+. Paramount+ offers a 7-day free trial so that you can try the service with no risk. However, there are two plan options to choose from:
Paramount+ Premium: In addition to original programming like The Game, Paramount+ Premium provides live streaming access to your local CBS station so you can broadcast series as they air. This plan also offers on-demand ad-free access to Paramount+ content. After the 7-day free trial, the service price starts at $11.99.
Paramount+ Essential: This plan provides original content, plus ad-supported on-demand episodes of new shows the day after they air on CBS for $5.99 per month after a 7-day free trial. This plan doesn’t include live CBS, so you will have to wait a day for new episodes.
Paramount+ is available on Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick. See our review of Paramount+ for more information on this streaming service.
Paramount Plus Device Support
Watch Paramount Plus by downloading the Paramount+ app to Roku Players, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Fire TV Stick, and you watch right on your television. You can also stream on the go by downloading the paramount+ app to your iOS or Android Mobile device. The Paramount+ app is also available on Samsung, LG, and Vizio smart TVs.
How to Watch Past Seasons of The Game
While the current Paramount+ series is labeled a new series, it is a direct follow-up to the previously canceled series on BET. With Paramount+ relaunching the series, it also has brought all original nine seasons from both the WB/CW and BET onto its service so that you can stream all past seasons there. All nine seasons are also available to stream on Peacock TV.
In addition, seasons 1 – 3 are available on Amazon Prime Video and Netflix.
About The Game
The Game has had a circuitous past, starting first as a comedy (a spin-off of the sitcom Girlfriends), then transitioning to a more dramatic series, and bouncing networks several times over its original nine seasons. Now relocated to San Diego, the new series features a mix of new characters, as well as several characters from the original, including Raquel Robinson as sports agent Tasha Mack; Hosea Chanchez as footballer Malik Wright; Brittany Daniel as Kelly Pitts; Pooch Hall as Derwin Davis; and Coby Bell as former footballer Jason Pitts. The new show has been referred to as both Season 10 and a new series, but it is definitely linked to the original.