The psychological thriller series You returns for a fourth season on Netflix, following the ongoing obsessions of Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley). Previously on Lifetime, Netflix picked up the first two seasons of the series in 2019 and has been producing the series since season three. Joe is a bookstore manager and serial killer who falls in love and develops an extreme obsession with the target(s) of his affection. At the end of season three, he fled to the U.K., where the new season takes place. This season, the show will be split in two parts, with five episodes already released on February 9, and the remaining five arriving on March 9. Read on for more on how to watch You.
- Where to Watch You: You is available on Netflix
- How Many Episodes are in Season 4: There will be ten episodes will be in season 4 of You, with five available on February 9 and five available on March 9.
- How to Watch Past Seasons of You: Seasons 1 – 3 are also available on Netflix
Watching You
You is now a Netflix property, and all three seasons can be watched by subscribing to Netflix via one of the following plan options:
- Premium – $22.99 per month – 4K HDR – allows four simultaneous viewings
- Standard – $15.49 per month – HD – allows two simultaneous viewings
- Standard with ads – $6.99 – HD – allows 2 streams at a time, but you have to watch ads
Also, check out our review of Netflix for more information on the service.
How to Stream You
You can subscribe to any of the plans above and watch You on Netflix through the Netflix Website with your web browser. You can also sign up and watch Netflix by downloading the Netflix App to any of the following supported devices:
- Roku
- Fire TV
- Nvidia Shield
- Apple TV
- Chromecast
- Android Devices
- iOS Devices
- Windows Phones
- many more Smart TV’s, Game Consoles, and other devices
If you don’t have any of the devices above and are watching on your browser, you can connect your laptop to the TV to watch Netflix.
More About You
Since arriving on Netflix, You has become a hit series in just a few weeks, drawing massive attention. The series follows Joe Goldberg, a bookstore manager in New York, who becomes infatuated with an aspiring writer. Through social media and technology, he feeds his toxic obsession, growing into a stalker and eventually a serial killer to clear their romantic path. While the seasons may each move to a new city and a new love, but his old obsessive behavior doesn’t change.