The revival of the popular 1993 animated series Animaniacs features the three wacky Warner siblings, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. They wreak havoc across classic film tropes and embark on assorted adventures in a series of animated shorts with a variety show nature. Each “episode” set of shorts also includes a short from lab mice Pinky and the Brain and Brain’s endless quest to take over the world. Read on for how to watch Animaniacs without cable.
- When Does Animaniacs Season 3 Release: Season 3 of Animaniacs premieres on Friday, February 17, at 12 am EST.
- How Many Episodes: Animaniacs season 3 will have 10 episodes.
- How To Watch: Use this 30-day free trial to Hulu
How To Watch Animaniacs
The Animaniacs is exclusive to Hulu, with all 10 episodes of season three available through the subscription service starting February 17. Not yet a Hulu subscriber? Read on for more.
Hulu offers a free trial month and several different monthly plans. The plans are listed below:
- Hulu (with ads): This plan costs $7.99 per month but provides an annual billing option priced at a discount. This plan is ad-supported.
- Hulu (no ads): This plan costs $17.99 per month. With this plan, you get all the movies and TV shows in Hulu’s streaming library commercial-free. (Due to network arrangements, Grey’s Anatomy, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and How To Get Away With Murder will always have commercials).
Hulu is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and more. For more information on the service features and device support, please see our in-depth review of Hulu.
About Animaniacs
Animaniacs is an animated variety series featuring the three Warner siblings, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. They’ve escaped from their water tower on the Warner Brothers lot and are bent on taking down the establishment. The show comprises classic Warner-style animated shorts featuring wacky antics inspired heavily by classic films of the Hollywood Golden era. Look for a lot of Marx Brothers references! In addition, there are shorts from the beloved if weird lab mice, Pinky and the Brain, the latter being a mad genius intent on taking over the world, the former his rather lovable but dense sidekick who usually derails his plans. The show is aimed mainly at young kids but has an older sensibility and humor that made it popular with high school, college, and even adult ages.