Demons and Saviors is a three-part series that tells the story of Christina Boyer, a young woman who came to fame in the 1980s for supposed psychic abilities who several years later was convicted of murdering her three-year-old daughter. Produced by ABC News Studios and Latchkey Films, the docuseries explores her childhood and follows the efforts of a group of supporters trying to exonerate her. On eh other side, authorities from the original case still argue that she is fully guilty and deserved her life sentence. Thirty years in, however, Christina still proclaims her innocence in this deep dive into conspiracy versus truth. Read on for how to watch Demons and Saviors without cable.
How To Watch Demons and Saviors
Demons and Saviors is exclusive to Hulu. Not yet a Hulu subscriber? Read on for more.
Hulu offers a free trial month and several different monthly plans. All of them will allow you to watch Demons and Saviors. The plans are listed below:
Hulu is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and more. For more information on the service features and device support, please see our in-depth review of Hulu.