For decades, the world of “Dragon Ball” has fascinated fans of anime. The stories follow Goku, a child who tries to find magic dragon balls to summon a wish-granting dragon. It originated with manga (or comics) in Japan back in the 80s and has since morphed into several cartoon series, including the popular Dragon Ball Z, which aired from 1989-1996, and the sequel “Dragon Ball Super,” which aired from 2015-2018, carried on the storyline with Goku as an adult. This article will cover how you can watch Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super.
Best Way to Watch: Crunchyroll has all episodes of Dagon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super available on demand. Episodes are available both dubbed in English and the original Japanese with English subtitles. They also have many of the movies available from each series. (try a 14-day free trial)
How to watch Dragon Ball Z
Below are the services that have every episode of Dragon Ball Z
Crunchyroll Has Every Episode
Crunchyroll offers all episodes of “Dragon Ball Z.” All episodes of “Dragon Ball Z” are streaming for free on the site. You have to watch in standard definition, and there are ads, but it’s free to watch. Upgrading to a premium subscription will let you watch with no ads, and you can watch in HD. The premium subscription costs $7.99/month after the 14-day free trial. Check out our review of Crunchyroll for more information on this streaming service.
Funimation was purchased by Crunchyrolls parent company, and all of Funimation’s content is being moved over to Crunchyroll. The original Dragon Ball Z is currently only available on the Funimation streaming service.
You can watch all 11 seasons in Japanese with English subtitles. Funimation has a great English dub in addition to the original Japanese episodes with subtitles. However, only some episodes of Dragon Ball Z are available free. You need to sign up for a premium account to see all the episodes. You will also need a premium account to watch the following movies:
- Dragon Ball Z: The Dead Zone
- Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest
- Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
- Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug
- Dragon Ball Z: Return of Cooler
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13
- Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of The Dragon
There is a 14-day free trial to Funimation premium which is plenty of time to watch the entire series. If you cancel within your trial, you won’t be billed. After the free trial, the service starts at $5.99 per month, but you can cancel at any time. You can watch on the web, on mobile, or on your streaming device. The Funimation App is supported on the following devices:
Streaming Devices: Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, and Chromecast
Mobile: Android, iOS, and Amazon Kindle.
Smart TV: Roku TVs, Amazon Fire TV’s Samsung smart TV, LG smart TV.
Gaming consoles: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
For more information, see our review of the Funimation.
How to Watch Dragon Ball Super
There were 131 episodes of Dragon Ball Super. Below are the services that carry all episodes.
Crunchyroll Has Every Episode
Crunchyroll also offers all episodes of “Dragon Ball Super.” All episodes of “Dragon Ball Super” are streaming for free on the site. You have to watch in standard definition, and there are ads, but it’s free to watch. Upgrading to a premium subscription will let you watch with no ads, and you can watch in HD. The premium subscription costs $7.99/month after the 14-day free trial. Check out our review of Crunchyroll for more information on this streaming service.
Funimation Has All Episodes
Funimation was purchased by Crunchyroll’s parent company, and all of Funimation’s content is being moved over to Crunchyroll. The original Dragon Ball Z is currently only available on the Funimation streaming service.
You can subscribe to a premium membership for $5.99/month after a 2-week free trial. There is no commitment, so you can cancel at any time. This plan will provide subtitled and dubbed episodes and allow you to watch two streams simultaneously. The service also offers an upgraded subscription called “Premium Plus,” which will enable you to watch on five devices at once, download episodes, and more. You can watch Funimation on the web or with Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, and more. See our review of Funimation for more details.
Hulu Has Every Episode of Dragon Ball Super
After Crunchyroll, the next cheapest option is Hulu’s streaming library, which starts at $7.99/month. All episodes of “Dragon Ball Super” are available on-demand through Hulu. Here are some other perks you can take advantage of when subscribing to Hulu
- Watch Hulu Originals like The Handmaid’s Tale, Shrill, and The Act.
- Watch the current season of popular shows like This is Us, Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident, and more.
- Bundle Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+. All three are only $13.99 per month!
Just about every streaming device supports Hulu. Check out our review of Hulu’s Streaming Library for more information.
How To Watch the Original Dragon Ball
Below are the services that carry all episodes of the Dragon Ball series that ran from 1986 to 1989.
Crunchyroll Has Every Episode
Crunchyroll also offers all episodes of “Dragon Ball Super.” All episodes of “Dragon Ball Super” are streaming for free on the site. You have to watch in standard definition, and there are ads, but it’s free to watch. Upgrading to a premium subscription will let you watch with no ads, and you can watch in HD. The premium subscription costs $7.99/month after the 14-day free trial. Check out our review of Crunchyroll for more information on this streaming service.
Funimation Has All Episodes of Dragon Ball
Funimation was purchased by Crunchyroll’s parent company, and all of Funimation’s content is being moved over to Crunchyroll. The original Dragon Ball Z is currently only available on the Funimation streaming service.
You can subscribe to a premium membership for $5.99/month after a 2-week free trial. There is no commitment so you can cancel at any time. This plan will provide subtitled and dubbed episodes and allow you to watch two streams simultaneously. The service also offers an upgraded subscription called “Premium Plus,” which will enable you to watch on five devices at once, download episodes, and more. You can watch Funimation on the web or with Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, and more. See our review of Funimation for more details.
Hulu Has Every Episode of Dragon Ball
All episodes of “Dragon Ball” are available on-demand through Hulu, which starts at $5.99/month. Here are some other perks you can take advantage of when subscribing to Hulu. Just about every streaming device supports Hulu. Check out our review of Hulu’s Streaming Library for more information.