Funny or Die’s High Science is a new comedy series that stars Matt Klinman and Zack Poitras, and features the voice of Paul Bettany as the futuristic talking bong “Dr. Oh.” The bong takes Matt and Zack on psychedelic trips through real history and scientific discovery, exploring the cutting edge of human knowledge. Read on for how to watch Funny or Die’s High Science.
- When Does it Premiere: Funny or Die’s High Science premieres on Thursday, April 20.
- Where to Watch: Funny or Die’s High Science is available on-demand on Max (sign up here) and Discovery+ (7-day free trial).
Where to Watch Funny or Die’s High Science
Funny or Die’s High Science will be streaming weekly on both Discovery+ and Max.
Watch on Max
Max costs $15.99 per month for their ad-free plan and $9.99 per month for their ad-supported service (meaning a few commercials with every episode). You can sign up here. Max is supported on Android, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast, Playstation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. You can check out my review of Max for more details on this streaming service.
Max doesn’t only air HBO but content from WarnerMedia and other sources. Content on Max includes:
- A selection of acquired series and movies
- All of HBO
- An exclusive collection of new Max Originals
- Select favorites from the WarnerMedia brands Warner Bros., New Line Cinema, DC, CNN, the Turner library, Crunchyroll, Rooster Teeth, Looney Tunes, and more
- A selection of acquired series and movies (South Park being a notable example)
Watch on Discovery+
Discovery+ is a subscription-based streaming service that bundles together on-demand content from several TV networks, as well as exclusive original shows. Discovery+ offers content from Discovery Inc.-owned networks while partnering with A&E Networks, the BBC’s Natural History collection, Group Nine, and more.
How much is Discovery Plus? – Discovery+ costs $4.99 per month for an ad-supported plan and $6.99 per month for an ad-free experience. Both Plans offer a 7-day free trial. Read our review of Discovery+ for more.