Hocus Pocus 2, the long-anticipated sequel to the popular 1990s Disney Halloween delight Hocus Pocus, debuts on Disney+ on Friday, September 30. The live-action comedy reunites cast originals Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy as the Sanderson sisters, a trio of kooky 17th-century witches. Now, 29 years since the last time the Black Flame Candle brought them to the 20th century, they are resurrected once again, and it’s up to three high-school students to stop them from wreaking their vengeful chaos across Salem. Longtime fans and newer devotees are excitedly anticipating all the running amok these three delightfully wicked women have up their colorful sleeves. Hocus Pocus 2 also co-stars Sam Richardson, Doug Jones, Whitney Peak, Belissa Escobedo, Lilia Buckingham, Froy Gutierrez, Tony Hale, and Hannah Waddingham. Read on to learn how you can watch Hocus Pocus 2.
- Where to Watch: Hocus Pocus 2 is available on Disney+.
- When Does Hocus Pocus 2 Stream: Hocus Pocus 2 debuts on Friday, September 30.
- How to Watch the Original: Hocus Pocus (1993) is also on Disney+.
How To Watch Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+
To watch Hocus Pocus 2 in your home on September 30, you will need the following:
The Disney+ service costs only $7.99 per month. However, Disney+ also has year-long subscriptions at a discounted price of $69.99. There is no contract commitment unless you choose the annual plan. See our review of Disney+ for more information on this streaming service. Disney also allows subscribers to bundle Disney+ with Hulu’s streaming library and Disney’s ESPN+ streaming service for just $13.99 per month.
Disney+ is supported on all the following devices:
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