The new Marvel show Hit-Monkey premieres on Hulu on Wednesday, November 17. The adult animated series is one of several standalone Marvel animation projects produced for Hulu instead of Diseny+. It follows an unjust snow monkey who becomes a hit-man (er, monkey), mentored by the ghost of an American assassin after his tribe is slaughtered. It features the voice talents of Fred Tatasciore, Jason Sudeikis, George Takei, Olivia Munn, Ally Maki, and Nobi Nakanishi. Read on for how to watch Marvel’s Hit Monkey without cable.
How To Watch Marvel’s Hit-Monkey
Marvel’s Hit-Monkey is exclusive to Hulu, with all ten episodes of the first season available through the subscription service starting November 17. Not yet a Hulu subscriber? Read on for more.
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About Marvel’s Hit-Monkey
Marvel’s Hit-Monkey is an adult animated series about a vengeful, unjust Japanese snow monkey (Fred Tatasciore), mentored by the ghost of an American assassin (Jason Sudeikis). It also features the voice talents of George Takei, Olivia Munn, Ally Maki, and Nobi Nakanishi. The show is aimed at an adult audience and features extensive violence as the snow monkey wreck havoc on the Yakuza underworld. It follows M.O.D.O.K. as part of the Marvel Television franchise slated to roll out several animated Marvel series on Hulu. However, after Marvel Television was folded into Marvel Studios, the other three series were canceled.