No One Will Save You is a new science-fiction horror-thriller produced by 20th Century Studios. The film opened in theaters September 19, and will have its streaming premiere on Hulu on Friday, September 22. Hulu is the home for most of 20th Century Studios’ film releases, as they tend to be considered more general entertainment or adult than the content put on Disney+, Hulu’s partner in streaming.
You can watch No One Will Save You with a subscription to Hulu’s streaming library. Read on for more about No One Will Save You and how to watch it.
How To Watch No One Will Save You
No One Will Save You is currently streaming on. Not yet a Hulu subscriber? Read on for more.
Hulu offers a free trial month and several different monthly plans. All of them will allow you to watch No One Will Save You. The plans are listed below:
Hulu is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and more. For more information on the service features and device support, please see our in-depth review of Hulu.
About No One Will Save You
Brynn (Kaitlyn Dever), is a creative young woman living in solitude in her childhood home. Separated from her community, she suddenly experiences a home invasion from unearthly visitors. In an action-packed face-off, she must fight the beings who threaten her future, while facing her own past.