The Croods: Family Tree, the animated series based on the popular movie franchise, returns once again and is available on Hulu and Peacock. Following up on the events of the sequel, the series follows the prehistoric Croods and Betterman families trying to live together in the Betterman treehouse. Among the antics this season, the families are battling it out over which of their kooky croodimal is the best pet in town, and two of the brood set off in search of a legendary stash of secret snacks. Meanwhile, an old, subterranean cave filled with advanced inventions challenges Phil’s “Greatest Inventor Whoever Lived” title. Read on for how to watch The Croods: Family Tree without cable.
- When Does The Croods: Family Tree Season 6 Premiere: Season 6 of The Croods: Family Tree premieres on Thursday, March 30.
- How To Watch: Use this 30-day free trial to Hulu or sign up for Peacock.
How To Watch The Croods: Family Tree
Watch The Croods: Family Tree on Hulu
The Croods: Family Tree miniseries streams on Hulu. Hulu offers a free trial month and several different monthly plans. All of them will allow you to watch The Croods: Family Tree. The plans are listed below:
- Hulu (with ads): This plan costs $7.99 per month but provides an annual billing option priced at a discount. This plan is ad-supported.
- Hulu (no ads): This plan costs $17.99 per month. With this plan, you get all the movies and TV shows in Hulu’s streaming library commercial-free. (Due to network arrangements, Grey’s Anatomy, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and How To Get Away With Murder will always have commercials).
Hulu is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and more. For more information on the service features and device support, please see our in-depth review of Hulu.
Watch The Croods: Family Tree on Peacock
The Croods: Family Tree is also available to stream on Peacock. While Peacock starts with its premium tier, which is $5.99 per month, which also lets you watch new episodes of NBC shows one day after they air. Peacock also has a premium ad-free subscription for $11.99 per month. Not only will this subscription eliminate ads, but also provide a live stream of your local NBC station..
Peacock supports iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, Xbox One S and Xbox One X, Android devices, Android TV, Chromecast, and Chromecast built-in. New episodes of the latest season become available within 8 days of the shows airing on NBC. You can learn more in our review of Peacock. You can sign up for Peacock on their website.