The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe television show to air on Disney+. The 6 episode show stars Anthony Mackie as Falcon and Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier as these former sidekicks take their first leading role. The show will center around Falcon (AKA Sam Wilson) taking up Captain America’s shield after Steve Roger’s retirement. The Winter Soldier (AKA Bucky Barnes) will team up with Wilson as he comes to grips with his troubled past without his friend Steve Rogers’s help and guidance. The events in the show take place about 6 months after the events in Avengers: Endgame.
- Where Can You Watch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Stream it on Disney+ (Sign up Here)
- When Will The First Episode be Available: The show will be available Friday, March 19th at 3 am eastern time.
- How Many Episodes are there: There are 6 episodes in Season 1
- How Long is Each Episode: Each episode will be between 45–55 minutes long
Beginning March 19th, episodes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will be available to watch every Friday throughout the 6 episode run. Episodes will run around 45 to 55 minutes which is a little longer than the runtime of an hour-long TV episode on network TV.
You can watch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on your TV by subscribing to Disney+ and downloading the Disney+ app to your Smart TV or TV-connected streaming device. You can learn how in our article: How To Watch Disney+ on TV. A subscription to Disney+ costs $7.99 per month, but you do not need to sign up for a long-term contract and can cancel whenever you like. Disney+ is supported on the following devices:
- Roku – (Watch Disney+ on Roku)
- Roku TVs – (Watch Disney+ on Roku TV)
- Amazon Fire TV Cube and Fire TV Stick (All Versions)
- iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (iOS/iPad OS 11.0 and later)
- Apple TV (4th gen or later and Apple V 4K running tvOS 11.0 and later)
- Chromecast
- Android phones and TV devices (Android OS version 5.0 Lollipop or later)
- Playstation 4 – (Watch Disney+ on PS4)
- Xbox One
- Some Vizio Smart Cast TVs (Watch Disney+ on Vizio Smart TVs)
- Sony Smart TVs (Android based)
- LG WebOS Smart TVs
- Samsung Tizen Smart TV
For more information on this streaming service see our article Everything You Need to Know about Disney+.