Despite an animated Tom Hanks veering close to the uncanny valley, The Polar Express has become a modern holiday classic. The movie centers on a doubting young boy taking an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole. The ride is a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. If you want to watch The Polar Express this holiday season you can watch it on Max.
- Where to Watch The Polar Express:Max
How To Watch The Polar Express
Watch The Polar Express on Max
The Polar Express will air exclusively on Max. A subscription to HBO-Max costs $15.99 per month for their ad-free plan and $9.99 per month for their ad-supported service (meaning a few commercials with every episode). You can sign up here. Max is supported on Android, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast, Playstation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. You can check out our review of Max for more details on this streaming service.
Max doesn’t only air HBO, but content from WarnerMedia and other sources. Content on Max includes:
Where to Watch The Polar Express on Streaming Platforms:
The Max app supports the following platforms, giving you plenty of ways to stream The Polar Express:
Watch The Polar Express with Max for Free
With AT&T owning Max, there are plenty of ways to watch The Polar Express for free for a time. However, like many things at AT&T, figuring out what you are entitled to can be a bit complicated. Here is a breakdown of who can watch Max free of charge.
Max is included at no additional charge in the following DIRECTV STREAM, Internet, and Wireless plans (check the availability online):
Check with AT&T for more possible products and services that come with Max, as the list is regularly changing.