The beloved America’s Funniest Home Videos is the longest-running primetime entertainment show on ABC. Currently hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro, the show features the funniest real-life moments, from DIY gone wrong to classic clumsiness. The clips are selected from thousands of user-submitted home videos and the funniest ones receive cash prizes. In season 33, the show is increasing its prizes to $4,000 for third, $6,000 for second, and a whopping $20,000 for first place–and first-place winners move on to a finalist competition for a $100,000 prize. A staple of American pop culture, America’s Funniest Home Videos is great family fun. Read on to learn how to watch America’s Funniest Home Videos.
- Best Way to Stream Live: You can stream America’s Funniest Home Videos live on DIRECTV STREAM. The streaming service provides live ABC and has a 5-day free trial. FuboTV (Free Trial) and YouTube TV(Free Trial) both provide a way to watch ABC.
- On-Demand: If you can wait one day, Hulu’s more affordable Hulu streaming library (30-day Free Trial) will have new episodes available on Thursdays. Several of the show’s (many) previous seasons are available in the Hulu streaming library as well
New episodes of America’s Funniest Home Videos airs every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ET on ABC. If you don’t want to wait a day to watch new episodes on Hulu On-Demand, you can use a TV antenna if you live close enough to an ABC broadcast tower. You can also stream America’s Funniest Home Videos on ABC live using the following options from our guide to watching ABC without cable.
Watch New Episodes of America’s Funniest Home Videos Live
The following streaming services carry ABC, so you can watch America’s Funniest Home Videos as it airs every Wednesday.
Watch America’s Funniest Home Videos on DIRECTV STREAM
DIRECTV STREAM offers live ABC streaming in many markets. Through its “Entertainment” package for $79.99 a month, ABC is available along with a ton of cable TV and other broadcast networks. They offer a free trial to allow you to make sure ABC is offered in your area.
A subscription to DIRECTV STREAM includes the following:
- watch 20 streams simultaneously per subscription
- a cloud-based DVR
- channels like Discovery and more
- supported on Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, Amazon FireTV, and more
For more information, check out our review of DIRECTV STREAM NOW.
How Much: $79.99 per month through its “Entertainment” package.
Watch America’s Funniest Home Videos on YouTube TV
YouTube TV is another excellent option to watch America’s Funniest Home Videos live. YouTube TV offers live ABC with its streaming service in nearly ALL markets in the US. The only market where YouTube TV doesn’t provide ABC is the Rochester-Mason City-Austin market, which covers parts of Minnesota and Iowa. (YouTube TV does offer ABC in Rochester, NY, and Austin, TX.)
YouTube TV supports Roku, Android, iOS, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and more. Be sure to check out our review of YouTube TV for more information. You can sign up for their free trial.
How Much: $72.99 per month.
Watch America’s Funniest Home Videos on fuboTV
FuboTV streams live ABC in most markets. You can check out FuboTV here. Fubo TV supports the following streaming devices:
- Android smartphones
- Android tablets
- iPhone
- iPad
- Apple TV (4th Generation only)
- Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick
- Roku
- Chromecast
For more information on FuboTV features, please see our Fubo TV review.
How Much: FuboTV costs $74.99.
Watch America’s Funniest Home Videos As it Airs on Hulu
If you don’t want to wait a day for America’s Funniest Home Videos to air on Hulu’s Streaming Library, Hulu offers a live TV service that carries ABC in nearly all US TV markets along with cable TV and broadcast networks. Therefore, you can watch America’s Funniest Home Videos every week as it airs on ABC. To see if live ABC is available in your area, you can use this tool: Hulu Live TV Channels by Zip code. You can read more about Hulu in our review of Hulu.
Hulu Live TV costs $76.99 per month. Hulu Live TV includes the following features:
- Discovery and 60+ other channels including local network channels.
- Price includes a subscription to ESPN+ and Disney+
- Unlimited cloud DVR storage. (Recordings save for 9 months)
- Watch on 2 screens at once. (Upgrades available)
- Comes with 6 customizable profiles
- Includes entire Hulu streaming library
- Supports iOS, Android, Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, and more.
The Hulu streaming library is included with Hulu + live TV, so you will have access to all episodes of America’s Funniest Home Videos this season on-demand, as well as the ability to watch when they air on ABC.
How Much: $76.99 per month.
Watch America’s Funniest Home Videos On Demand
New episodes of America’s Funniest Home Videos appear on Hulu (30-day Free Trial) the day after they air on ABC. The Hulu on-demand service starts at $7.99 per month, but you won’t be charged if you cancel within the trial period. There is no contract required, so it’s possible to cancel at any time. If you decide to keep the service, there is an ad-supported and ad-free plan. I briefly explain both below:
- Hulu with commercials ($7.99): This is the least expensive plan Hulu offers. This will allow you to watch the current and all past seasons of America’s Funniest Home Videos on-demand. This package also provides access to the entire Hulu library; the on-demand Hulu feature providing various TV shows on network TV, cable, and all the Hulu Originals. There are commercials throughout the shows.
- Hulu – commercial-free ($17.99): This plan provides Hulu on-demand without commercials. (Due to network arrangements, Grey’s Anatomy, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and How To Get Away With Murder will always have commercials)