The real-life prison break story, Escape from Pretoria, arrives on Hulu on Sunday, May 1. Originally released theatrically in 2020 during the onset of COVID, it has had limited theatrical viewing. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Tim Jenkin, an anti-apartheid activist imprisoned in 1979, along with one of his fellow freedom fighters Stephen Lee (Daniel Webber), in the maximum-security prison Pretoria. Together they hatch a complex escape plan with fellow political activists in the jail in a thrilling race-against-time. Read on for how to watch Escape from Pretoria without cable.
How To Watch Escape from Pretoria
Escape from Pretoria on Hulu
Escape from Pretoria arrives on Hulu on May 1. Not yet a Hulu subscriber? Read on for more.
Hulu offers a free trial month and several different monthly plans. All of them will allow you to watch Escape from Pretoria. The plans are listed below:
Hulu is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and more. For more information on the service features and device support, please see our in-depth review of Hulu.
Escape from Pretoria on Starz
Escape from Pretoria is also streaming on the Starz premium channel, and is available to watch with a Starz subscription plan. Starz runs $8.99 a month after a 7-day free trial, and can be streamed online or via the STARZ app on most streaming devices, including Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, and Android devices. See our guide to watching Starz online for more details on the service.
It’s also easy to add the Starz channel to existing memberships with such services as Amazon Prime or Hulu for an additional $8.99 monthly after the same 7-day free trial period. You can also subscribe through Philo, DIRECTV STREAM, Sling TV, YouTube TV, and fuboTV, or even the Roku Channel and Apple TV+.