The new family buddy comedy Warped! premiered with a sneak peek on Sunday, January 16, on Nickelodeon. The series is about Milo, a geek at a comic book store until his new quirky coworker Ruby arrives. However, the unlikely friends set out to create a new graphic novel–hopefully the greatest comic book in the world. While the premiere dropped early, the usual night for the series will be Thursdays. Read on to learn more about how to watch new episodes of Warped! without cable.
- When Does Warped! Air: New episodes of Warped! arrive on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
- Where to Watch: Warped! is available on the Nickelodeon channel.
- Best Way to Watch New Episodes: Philo carries Nickelodeon and is the cheapest way to watch Warped! (1-week free trial).
Where to Stream new Episodes of Warped!
Warped! appears exclusively on Nickelodeon, and there are numerous streaming services that carry Nickelodeon. Below are all the ways to watch Warped! and you can also check out more details on how to watch Nickelodeon without cable.
Watch Warped! for Free
Most of the streaming services that carry Nickelodeon offer a free trial. You can take advantage of those and watch free Nickelodeon for almost a month or longer if you use different email addresses, giving you time to try out Warped! Let’s look at the free trials available.
- Philo – offers a seven-day free trial
- FuboTV – offers a 1-week free trial.
- YouTube TV – offers a 1-week free trial
Where to Stream Warped!
As with most cable content today, there are alternate ways to enjoy the channels and shows you want without forking over mountains of cash to a cable TV provider. Here are a few of the cable subscription-free ways you can stream Warped! on Nickelodeon online.
Watch Warped! on Philo
The most affordable way to watch Warped! without cable is by subscribing to the streaming service Philo. For just $25 a month, you get over 60 channels, including Nickelodeon, as well as the ability to record as many shows as you like and watch them for 30 days. Philo offers a seven-day free trial. Cancel within the trial period, and you will not be charged. If you continue your subscription, you can cancel at any time as there is no long-term contract.
You can also use your Philo credentials to sign on to the Nickelodeon app and watch Nickelodeon shows on-demand. For information, check out our review, which includes a list of all channels available on Philo. Philo supports the Apple iPhone and iPad (running iOS 9 or newer), Android phones and tablets (running 5.0 or newer), Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast. See our review of Philo for details.
DIRECTV STREAM is another way you can watch Warped! on Nickelodeon. Channel packages with Nickelodeon start at $79.99 per month. A subscription to DIRECTV STREAM includes the following:
- watch 20 streams simultaneously per subscription
- a cloud-based DVR
- channels like Nickelodeon and more
- supported on Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, Amazon FireTV, and more
You can check out this streaming service through this online offer or read about it in our DIRECTV STREAM review.
Watch Warped! on Hulu
Previously Hulu was known for its vast on-demand streaming library. However, they also offer Hulu Live TV service, which includes live Nickelodeon streaming and most top channels typically found on cable, so you can watch Warped! as it airs. Hulu Live TV starts at $76.99 and includes the following features:
- 60+ other channels including local network channels.
- Price includes a subscription to ESPN+ and Disney+
- Unlimited cloud DVR storage. (Recordings save for 9 months)
- Watch on 2 screens at once. (Upgrades available)
- Comes with 6 customizable profiles
- Includes entire Hulu streaming library
- Supports iOS, Android, Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, and more.
With Hulu Live TV, you can watch Nickelodeon on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, and more. See our review of Hulu for more information.
Watch Warped! on Vidgo
Vidgo is a newer streaming service that offers fairly competitive pricing over other live streaming services. Vidgo includes Nickelodeon in its Core package, along with over 60 other channels. New customers can sign up for the Core Plan for $69.99 per month. (They offer discounted promo pricing when signing up.) Vidgo doesn’t force you into a contract, so you can cancel any time.
Vidgo is supported on available on Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV. You can also stream the service on up to 3 devices at the same time. We have the full details in our guide to Vidgo’s live streaming service.
Warped! on FuboTV
FuboTV is an excellent place to go for sports, but it offers many other more general channels as well, including Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon is provided, along with 70+ other channels, on its basic package for $74.99/month.
Fubo TV includes:
- over 100 channels including Nickelodeon are available in fuboTV’s channel lineup
- You can watch on three screens at the same time
- 250 hours of cloud DVR storage
- The FuboTV app is available on major platforms, including Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
You can sign up for fuboTV or check out our review of FuboTV for more details.
Warped! on YouTube TV
YouTube TV also offers live Nickelodeon, making it a good option to watch Warped! Your library of recorded shows can be streamed anywhere. In addition to Nickelodeon, and numerous other channels, YouTube TV includes a Personal Cloud DVR and YouTube Red original series. All this costs subscribers just $72.99 per month for six accounts.
- access to Nickelodeon, Local Network Channels, and over 70 other channels
- unlimited cloud DVR storage
- stream on three devices at once
- YouTube TV supports Android, iOS, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and more. The YouTube TV app has also returned to Roku devices after settling a dispute between the two companies.
- Includes YouTube TV on-demand
Check our review of YouTube TV for all the information on this service. YouTube TV offers a 1-week free trial.