Son of a Critch is a Canadian comedy series arriving on CW. The hilarious series is based on an award-winning memoir from Mark Critch, and follows young Mark coming of age in the 1980s in Newfoundland, Canada. Using comedy and self-depreciation to win friends, 11-year-old Mark is older on the inside than his age, and struggles to connect with the small population of his community. This article will explain how you can watch this season of Son of a Critch as episodes air and on-demand and where you can find past seasons of Son of a Critch if you are looking to catch up on the series.
- When New Episodes of Son of a Critch Air: Son of a Critch airs Mondays at 8:30 p.m. ET
- TV Network: Son of a Critch airs on The CW
- Best Way to Stream Live: DIRECTV STREAM provides The CW, so you can watch new episodes of Son of a Critch when they air, and it has a 5-day free trial. YouTube TV(Free Trial) also carries The CW.
- Current Season On-Demand: The latest episodes of the current season are available through the CW app 1 day after they make their TV debut. For information on using the CW app see “How To Use The CW App“
Watch Son of a Critch Without Cable
New episodes of Son of a Critch air on Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. ET on The CW. Suppose you don’t have cable TV or can’t watch The CW using a TV antenna. Hulu Live TV and YouTube TV offer local CW stations in nearly all U.S. markets. They both offer a free trial and will let you watch new episodes of Son of a Critch as they air. All the ways you can stream Son of a Critch are listed below. All free trials auto-renew when they expire, but you will not be billed if you cancel before the trial ends.
Stream Son of a Critch The Day it Airs
The following streaming services carry The CW, so you can watch Son of a Critch as it airs live every week.
Hulu Live TV
Hulu provides The CW live in many US markets along with cable TV and broadcast networks. Therefore, you can watch Son of a Critch every week as it airs on The CW. To see if The CW is available in your area, you can use this tool: Hulu Live TV Channels by Zip code.
Hulu + Live TV is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iOS, Android, and more. You can read more about Hulu in our review of Hulu. There isn’t a month-to-month contract, so you can sign up to test the service without fear of a long-term commitment. You can sign up for Hulu Live TV using this link: Sign up for Hulu + Live TV.
YouTube TV
YouTube TV is another great option for watching Son of a Critch. YouTube TV provides a live stream of The CW with its streaming service in nearly ALL markets in the US.
YouTube TV supports Roku, Android, iOS, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and more. Be sure to check out our review of YouTube TV for more information. You can sign up for their free trial.
How Much: $72.99 per month.
FuboTV offers The CW in numerous US cities allowing you to watch Son of a Critch every week when it airs. You can check out FuboTV here. Fubo TV supports the following streaming devices:
- Android smartphones
- Android tablets
- iPhone
- iPad
- Apple TV (4th Generation only)
- Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick
- Roku
- Chromecast
For more information on FuboTV features, please see our Fubo TV review.
How Much: FuboTV costs $74.99 per month.
DIRECTV STREAM offers The CW live in many markets. Through its “Entertainment” package for $79.99 a month, The CW is available along with a ton of cable TV and other broadcast networks. DIRECTV STREAM offers The CW in many TV markets in the US. Check this online offer to make sure The CW is offered in your area. For more information, check out our review of DIRECTV STREAM.
How Much: $79.99 per month through its “Entertainment” package.