The concept of Net Neutrality in America dates back to 1860 and the telegraph. Net Neutrality was a principle in place at the start of the internet. This principle was enforced by the FCC through the 1990’s until ISP lobbying weakened these principles in 2002 and killed them in 2005. In 2015 the FCC reclassified ISPs as Title [read How to Support Net Neutrality]
Internet Access
What is Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the simple principle that all information be treated equally when being delivered over a network. While net neutrality opponents like to pretend this was a new concept when Tom Wheeler’s FCC adopted the open internet rules in 2015, net neutrality has been a tradition in the U.S. for over 150 years. In [read What is Net Neutrality]
The Truth About Repealing Your Online Privacy Protection
This week, Congress completely eliminated consumer privacy protection for internet service provider (ISP). This is an issue that impacts all of us. Therefore, this article summarizes what this truly means, and what we can do about it from a technical standpoint. As many supporters of the privacy rule repeal have noted, these regulations weren’t going into place until [read The Truth About Repealing Your Online Privacy Protection]
How You Can Save Net Neutrality
The Internet needs our help. For years the internet served as a vehicle for free speech and the sharing of ideas. All content was treated equally when it came to how it was delivered over the internet. This concept is known as Net Neutrality. In the past decade internet service providers (ISPs) began violating this de facto rule of [read How You Can Save Net Neutrality]
Our Government is About to Sell Us Out
This Post is a companion piece to the podcast below. There is a plot brewing that will kill cord-cutting and leave your cable TV and internet provider with even more power over the Internet we all find essential. Whether you supported Trump or Clinton in this recent election should not matter. Having purchase options when it comes [read Our Government is About to Sell Us Out]
How To Make Free Phone Calls Over the Internet
If you are a frequent visitor of the blog, you probably already know how to get cheap home phone service to replace your landline. However, did you know that anyone with a computer and an internet connection can make free phone calls? That’s right. You can call anywhere in the U.S and Canada using a service from [read How To Make Free Phone Calls Over the Internet]
Stream More with a Smart DNS Proxy
A smart DNS Proxy service is a tool everyone should take advantage of to access more content online. Did you know access to much of the video available on the web is blocked simply based on where you are streaming the content from? Streaming video providers like Netflix, and Amazon are typically bound to licensing [read Stream More with a Smart DNS Proxy]
WD My Cloud, Media Server and More
Sharing data across your home network is usually a chore for many. Setting up movies, music, and photos to be streamed from a central network location can be impossible without the right technical chops. Even if you possess the technical skills, it can easily consume days of your life. Then, once everything is set up [read WD My Cloud, Media Server and More]
Tips and Tricks for Online Safety
In today’s digital world, internet safety should be a consideration for everyone. We provide information about ourselves to people and companies online every day. Information provided to one entity could be combined with information given to another and used to compromise our privacy. Those searching the web for video streams online should be extra cautious. [read Tips and Tricks for Online Safety]
The Affordable Small Business Phone System
Occasionally, when discussing the benefits of replacing cable with Internet TV, I meet small business owners that feel they can’t break ties with their cable company. Usually, their small business phone service is provided through a “Cable for Business” bundle from their TV provider. That’s when I tell them about Grasshopper. Grasshopper Small Business Phone [read The Affordable Small Business Phone System]