I Survived Bear Grylls is a competition series that merges the survival and game show genres, and is hosted by celebrated survivalist Bear Grylls and comedian Jordan Conley. Each stand-alone episode sees new players facing unique games designed to take Bear’s legendary adventures to new levels of intensity. Known for exploring some of the most dangerous of the world to rescuing himself and others from death, Bear now turns the tables on want-to-be survivalists by creating simulated wilderness challenges to test their physicality, smarts, and ability to adapt and survive. Read on for how to watch I Survived Bear Grylls even if you don’t have cable.
- When Does it Premiere: I Survived Bear Grylls premieres on Thursday, May 18, at 9:00 p.m. ET.
- Where to Watch: I Survived Bear Grylls airs on TBS.
- When to Watch: New episodes of I Survived Bear Grylls are available on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET.
- Best Way to Watch New Episodes: DIRECTV STREAM provides TBS so you can watch new episodes of I Survived Bear Grylls when they air and has a 5-Day free trial when signing up. YouTube TV(Free Trial) also carries TBS.
Watch I Survived Bear Grylls
I Survived Bear Grylls airs on TBS, which you can watch on the following streaming services.
I Survived Bear Grylls on DIRECTV STREAM
DIRECTV STREAM is one of several services to offer TBS, so you can use it to watch I Survived Bear Grylls. Channel packages with TBS start at $79.99 per month. A subscription to DIRECTV STREAM includes the following:
- watch 20 streams simultaneously per subscription
- a cloud-based DVR
- channels like TBS and more
- supported on Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, Amazon FireTV, and more
You can check out this streaming service through this online offer or read about it in our DIRECTV STREAM review.
I Survived Bear Grylls on Sling TV
Sling TV is the cheapest way to watch I Survived Bear Grylls on TBS. TBS is in both their “orange” and “blue packages, each priced at $40 a month. Sling offers special pricing for signing up on this promo page with its service. If you decide to keep Sling after the free trial, you can cancel at any time as there are no contracts or long-term commitments.
Sling TV provides a live stream of TBS, so you can watch I Survived Bear Grylls just as if you had cable. Recent episodes are available on-demand, and you can also record episodes of A I Survived Bear Grylls with Sling’s included cloud DVR.
Sling TV is available on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, and more, so it’s not a problem to enjoy TBS on a TV, tablet, computer, or other smart devices. To find out more about Sling TV, check out this detailed review of Sling TV.
I Survived Bear Grylls on YouTube TV
YouTube TV also carries TBS so that you can watch I Survived Bear Grylls. YouTube TV also has limitless storage space available in its included DVR for recording each episode. Your library of recorded shows can be streamed anywhere.
YouTube TV provides:
- Access to TBS, Local Network Channels, and over 70 other channels
- unlimited cloud DVR storage
- stream on three devices at once
- YouTube TV supports Roku, Android, iOS, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and more.
- Includes YouTube TV on-demand
- offers a 1-week free trial.
After a 1-week free trial, YouTube TV costs $72.99 per month. See our YouTube TV review for more details.
Watch I Survived Bear Grylls on Hulu Live TV
Hulu is a great way to stream I Survived Bear Grylls live. Previously Hulu was known for its vast on-demand library. Recently, they have added a Hulu Live TV service. In addition to streaming A I Survived Bear Grylls live, Hulu Live TV offers live access to channels like A&E, TNT, FX, HGTV, and more. Hulu Live TV also includes the following features:
- TBS and 60+ other channels, including local network channels.
- Price includes a subscription to ESPN+ and Disney+
- Unlimited cloud DVR storage. (Recordings save for 9 months)
- Watch on 2 screens at once. (Upgrades available)
- Comes with 6 customizable profiles
- Includes entire Hulu streaming library
- Supports iOS, Android, Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, and more.